WELCOME to FAM trip to Murmansk – 05.04.19 – 08.04.19!!

WELCOME to FAM trip to Murmansk – 05.04.19 – 08.04.19!! • 1 expert from one tour operator on entrance tourism. • Double accommodation in the best hotel of the city Please specify a position, the office number, the mobile phone and WhatsApp, the copy of the business card. ????? ??? ???????? – ???? ????????? +7 […]

Travel of the Turkish guests on our region!

Many tourists come from different countries. The first time business came to us was a large group from Turkey. We are very glad to open new incoming tourism destinations in the Kola Peninsula of the Murmansk region. Our travelling was unforgettable! It seems, we were everywhere and tried everything! ❄️Drove on snowmobiles with the drive! […]

Group from Iran

Group from Iran ❄️ We visited Husky Park, first-ever ice breaker Lenin, Teriberka, Saami Village and Aurora Villge. ? Took home group from Iran! Someone left, and someone remained for several days! Yes, our region causes spontaneous desire to remain ? www.auroravillage.info www.vsitmurmansk.info #nothernlights #aurora #murmansk #igloo #auroravillage #lightvillage#arctic #northpole #aurorafrecast #husky #visitmurmansk #auroravillage

Russia equated foreign tourists to guest workers

The state once again showed the relation to the priority Tourism project and not ability to exercise control of foreign citizens and having shifted responsibility to business In what essence of the new law? The companies and the natural persons inviting foreigners to Russia will be responsible for observance by guests of rules of stay […]

Foreign tourists submit the North!

If your purpose – to photograph dawn, then you are not frightened either cold or the winds of Arctic Ocean. The group of the Chinese guests with cameras of different calibers meets dawn at hotel in Teriberka. Beaches of the settlement are filled almost like in sunny summer day in the resort. Come and you […]