Today, numerous Russian media published an article that the Northern Lights will no longer exist! Allegedly, the head of the heliophysical laboratory of IZMIRAN Vladimir Obridko said that if you want to see the Northern Lights, the nearest opportunity to present yourself in 2025. However, the kp-index for the coming month indicates quite another. Our […]

Entry to Russia for Chinese tourists is closed. Comments by the CEO VisitMurmansk.

Our dear guests, let’s talk about the current situation. Since January 28, Russian tour operators have stopped accepting new organized tourist groups from China. Restrictions on their sending imposed by the Chinese authorities. As a measure to prevent the spread of coronavirus. We regret to those guests from China who planned to visit Murmansk. All […]

Murmansk region at the tourism exhibition ??Outbound Travel Mart Mumbai 2020 ??

??Do you want to know how to go to the Russian North and see the Northern Lights?, visit the Arctic Ocean?, ride reindeer? and dogs?, try the local cuisine, see ice and snow sculptures?? We represent the ❄️Murmansk region ❄️ at the tourism exhibition ??Outbound Travel Mart Mumbai 2020 ?? !! ❗️Come meet personally the director of the company VisitMurmansk❗️, which organizes […]

??新年好!! ??С Китайиским Новым годом! Happy Chinese New Year!

✨旅游公司Visit Murmansk恭喜您春节✨ 让您的生活幸福美满,让您的财富源源不绝,让您的如意纷至沓来,让您的事业更上一层楼。祝春节快乐! 我们也衷心希望您常旅行,多看看世界,抵达梦想中的国度和地方! 如果您未曾来过俄罗斯,没有见过神秘的北极光,摩尔曼斯克不容错过,欢迎您来! ✅About Aurora Village ✅About VisitMurmansk ______________________ Новый Год в Китае – главное торжество и прекрасный повод собраться всей семьёй. Сами китайцы называют Новый Год Праздником Весны, а история этого праздника насчитывает более 4000 лет. Традиционно праздничные гуляния длятся 16 дней. В 2020 году в Китае Новый Год продлится с Кануна […]

Why do thousands of tourists from China go to the Murmansk region?

In pursuit of happiness, Chinese guests are ready to overcome thousands of kilometers; they are not afraid of terrible snowstorms, frost and impassability. Crowds of Chinese tourists go to Murmansk region for happiness. It is in winter that they are ready to overcome thousands of kilometers; they are not afraid of terrible snowstorms and impassability. [...]

Met the first dawn in Murmansk!

At the latitude of Murmansk ended the polar night. By tradition, many Murmansk citizens went to the first dawn of the new year to the highest point of the city – the hill of Sunny Hill. Despite the dense clouds and snowfall, the First Dawn campaign gathered a record number of participants – about two […]

Road movie about a trip to the North Pole on an atomic icebreaker!

Until now, many of you didn’t even know about the existence of passenger flights to the North Pole from Murmansk on the atomic icebreaker “50 Years of Victory”! Video from the popular video gamer Ruslan Usachev and his journey to the North Pole. Our site also features this North Pole tour.

WELCOME to FAM trip to Murmansk – 03.04.2020 – 05.04.2020

Murmansk is the capital of Northern Lights 4D/3N.? Murmansk is the capital of Northern Lights in Russia. Trip takes only 2 hours from Moscow, 1,5 hour from Saint-Petersburg and you will see unique Russian Polar region. Awesome Northern Lights, it’s snowing 6 months of snow season in the year, very cute reindeers and husky dogs, […]