Employees of the Kola archeological expedition of the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences confirmed the age of the rock paintings at Kanozero – they are really 6000 years old. In the course of the work, the archaeological expedition discovered the tools that these drawings were made of. […]
Murmansk have been visited by popular TV show “Орел и Решка”. This March was so cold, but even the temperature belowed 25 degrees celsius can’t stop Russian people! Орел и решка. Россия, Кольский полуостров от ГПМ РТВ BigTV на Rutube. Enjoy Murmansk with “Орел и Решка”
Good morning! November 28 was a wonderful group, with which we went to get acquainted with the Sami way of life and culture.
Today in Kuzreka there is a holiday of Pomorian Roe. Pomorian Roe – ritual cookies from salted rye dough, baked in Pomor families from the XII century. In the morning, “Street of Masters” and “Glutton row” will work with the products of local craftsmen and manufacturers. At 12 o’clock the official opening of the holiday […]
Unforgettable tour with tourists from Taiwan. We visited the Sami village, the icebreaker “Lenin”, got caught in the sauna, Teriberba, dined on the shores of the Barents Sea and of course hunted for the northern lights at night …
The 7th of March. It was a funny trip to Sami village and husky park with pretty girls.
Our company accompanied by another group from China. We visited the Sami village, icebreaker Lenin museum, a ski resort and many other interesting places. Some photos from our tour: