Murmansk region relies on the development of gastronomic tourism, said the minister of industry and business in the region Olga Kuznetsova, speaking at the Murmansk International business week.
According to her, the work is carried out in several directions, including the identification of the Arctic brand gastroturov formation and identification of interest, which could enter into such a tour and provide guests with the opportunity to see the region’s production and to try their products.
“We are now preparing a gastronomic map of the region, we have identified the most popular items that are marked on this map. Now we have it even adds to, and it will be the basis for the formation of gastronomic tours, including not only visiting catering facilities, with a unique style, but also be sure to production and processing of local products with the possibility of tasting “, – O. Kuznetsov said.
“These objects are clearly separated from each other and tour operators will have to try to create the most comfortable routes for tourists” – the minister added.
One of the differences from the other northern territories O. Kuznetsov called developed network of catering, which guests speak highly Arctic.
Just at the time of the V Murmansk international business week in restaurants and cafe Murmansk campaign “Made in the Arctic” will start. Establishments developing new dishes from traditional northern foods and make recognizable a special tab in the menu.
“For more than 30 catering establishments involved in the campaign” Taste of the Arctic “, and every year their interest in it is growing, the number of participants is growing,” – said O. Kuznetsov.
Business expresses interest in the promotion of local products and the example of this is one of the companies which received a grant of the Ministry for the project on the Kola kelp harvesting.
“This is an interesting project because the guys who got us the financial support already reached the industrial production, sell their products not only in all beauty salons, but they already have contracts with bakeries to produce bread, enriched powder kelp” – O. Kuznetsov explained.
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