Sisy Chang

My boy did his winter poster "Russia 2018"! Thank you for arrangement! We have great trip in Murmansk.


Korakot Hensangvilai


Korakot Hensangvilai

Thanks to all of your team for being very good guide, Alex, Ivan, Riga, ....
I was very happy to see Aurora even only first night on 18 Feb and Ivan taken a photo for me with his good camera after knowing I had only mobile phone.
Please remind Ivan kindly send me the Aurora photos.God bless you,

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Doy Sangpradit

感谢您的帮助,我们非常感谢。 指南都非常好
PS。 非常感谢司机
还有一件事可以请你给我们发一张阿罗拉之夜的照片。 迫不及待地发布它!????

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Doy Sangpradit

Thank you for helping and we are very appreciated. A guide both are very good
Thanks again guide Lika she so helpful and lovely lady and last night in igoo it was wonderful never forget I will recommend your company to our friends
Ps. Thanks a lot a driver
And one more thing could you please sent us a photo from arora night. Can't wait to post it!! ????

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Ta Beat Ha
Director of Tourist Office Visit Russia in Vietnam

我们收到了所有代表的积极反馈。 他们赞赏您所在地区的美丽,并获得了北方热情好客的难忘体验。 我们相信,这次宣传旅游将成为越南游客在不久的将来前往摩尔曼斯克地区旅行的开始。

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Ta Beat Ha
Director of Tourist Office Visit Russia in Vietnam

We would like to express our gratitude to the employees of the VisitMurmansk company for the professional organization and coordination of the advertising tour of tour operators and tourist press from Vietnam.
We received positive feedback from all delegates. They appreciated the beauty of your region and received an unforgettable experience of northern hospitality. We are confident that this promotional tour will be the beginning for the trips of Vietnamese tourists to the Murmansk region in the near future.
We are grateful to you for the attentiveness, active assistance and prompt solution of all arising questions.
We hope for further fruitful cooperation.

Worawan Yaimak
We enjoy all the trip

我对你的导游“伊凡”印象非常深刻。 我们享受所有的旅行。这是一个快乐的时光和美妙的体验。 我们赞赏他所有3天的帮助,并建议我的朋友们将访问这里。

Worawan Yaimak
We enjoy all the trip

I am very impressed with your guide "Ivan". We enjoy all the trip.It is a happy time and wonderful experience. We appreciated his helpful all 3 days and will advice my friiends will visit here.

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