In pursuit of happiness, Chinese guests are ready to overcome thousands of kilometers; they are not afraid of terrible snowstorms, frost and impassability.
Crowds of Chinese tourists go to Murmansk region for happiness. It is in winter that they are ready to overcome thousands of kilometers; they are not afraid of terrible snowstorms and impassability. All for the sake of the Arctic miracle. It is believed that a child conceived under the northern lights will be chosen. The correspondent of the Izvestia Information Center Dmitry Akimov investigated the magical northern route. Details in the report.
These days, the capital of the Arctic was literally flooded with guests from the Middle Kingdom. Last season alone – 19 thousand tourists. And in Murmansk, only the start, everyone wants to get to Teriberka – 120 kilometers of destinations, which certainly cannot be called a road at this time of year.
The last 40 kilometers to the final destination. The road is almost invisible. The wind is very strong, but experienced drivers know in what weather you can go, in which you can not. Right now – on the verge, and yet from almost five to ten buses with tourists, most of them from Asia, drive almost every day on this road.
All this to see the northern lights in the most extreme northern point of Russia. But not even the most powerful SUV can reach the Barents Sea right now. Need a snowmobile.
Having finally got to the ends of the earth, tourists, overcoming the blizzard and frost, take pictures and believe in a miracle. They have a belief that the northern lights must be seen.
And not just to see – the legend goes that a child conceived under the Arctic radiance will be strong and smart. This beautiful fairy tale, of course, is actively supported by local residents. Vlad for the sake of Chinese tourists even dropped out of college.
“Whoever seizes the moment, yes, he makes money,” says Vlad the snowmobile driver.
About the Arctic miracle talked around the world. Local residents, who are only six hundred in Teriberka, have been arguing for the third year whether they need such guests or not.
“They cook this herring, which stinks at night, with rice. In all apartments, in all houses. They take off a lot, ”says Vladimir Ivanov, a resident of the village of Teriberka.
However, the Chinese themselves do not know anything about the tradition of strengthening the Arctic celestial gene pool in the Arctic.
“I have never heard of such a tradition. I don’t understand what this is about. I myself am still a child, and I’m just happy here! ”Says a tourist from China.
Where this bike came from is now impossible to find out. The Chinese rebel, the locals – blame the Chinese.
“It was invented by Chinese tour operators for such a wonderful marketing introduction into the minds of the Chinese public,” comments Vladimir Onatsky, chairman of the Association of Guides of the Murmansk Region.
There are two real explanations for the tourist boom in the Murmansk region. The first is rational.
“It’s just cheap for us here. If you go to watch the northern lights in Norway or Finland, it will be much more expensive, ”explains Li Joon, a tourist from China.
And the second is obvious. It is impossible not to fall in love with the harsh beauty of the Russian North.
“It is fantastic! This is completely different from what I saw in China! ”- Don Yu Dan, a tourist from China, is delighted.
“People here are very kind. And here the place is very beautiful, ”said Wei Anhei, a tourist from Myanmar.
The main problem today is that after the Chinese tourists their compatriots-businessmen always come.
“We are very afraid. Because at some point, you may have to sell everything and leave. Do not make money on anything, because they have their own tourists, their own buses, their own hotels, and we will just be service personnel, ”the head of the travel agency Oleg Terebenin talks about his fears.
Murmansk guides have already figured out how to answer their partners from the Middle Kingdom. To increase the influx of tourists on a polar day, they are even ready to attract Confucius, who said that it is not necessary to look at the radiance, it is enough to see the Sun at night.
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