Murmansk Regional Puppet Theater

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The first artistic director – Viktor Podobedov created a children’s theater in Khibinogorsk (Kirovsk). He invited theater artists K.A.Rozarenovu Leningrad, and N.B.Mymkina E.M.Timoshenko, and they played the first performance of “Ivashka Batrachonok”. By February 1934 the theater staged three plays, played 65 performances that looked 19 thousand. Children. Officially, the theater was renamed the “Polar Kirov Puppet Theater” at the Kirov Regional Department of Education. Total from 1932 to 1941, 42 new plays were delivered to theater.

Murmansk Regional Puppet Theater was founded August 28, 1933.

The first artistic director – Viktor Podobedov created a children’s theater in Khibinogorsk (Kirovsk). He invited theater artists K.A.Rozarenovu Leningrad, and N.B.Mymkina E.M.Timoshenko, and they played the first performance of “Ivashka Batrachonok”. By February 1934 the theater staged three plays, played 65 performances that looked 19 thousand. Children. Officially, the theater was renamed the “Polar Kirov Puppet Theater” at the Kirov Regional Department of Education. Total from 1932 to 1941, 42 new plays were delivered to theater.

During the Great Patriotic War the theater served the cause of victory over the Nazis. During the war it was prepared more than 100 concerts and played nearly 1,000 frontline concerts, at least 200 directly to the front line. For his work, the entire structure of the puppet theater was awarded the medal “For the defense of the Arctic.”
And since 1949 the theater settled in Murmansk.



In 1952 he became director of the theater Valentina S. Warsaw. Thirty years she invested heart and soul in a favorite child. In the late fifties puppet theater for the first time in its history, it showed a performance for adults only on the play I.Shtoka “Devil’s Mill”. In the sixties of the last century there was an important event for puppeteers: the country began to prepare specialists with higher education puppet and theater troupe replenished graduates. Artistic Director of those years – the Honoured Artist of the USSR A.D.Kogan, the main artist – A.M.Lepkov.

Seventies. Chief director – I.P.Spektr formed the repertoire so that each performance was “is exclusive.” Since 1972, the Murmansk puppet theater is located in a building down the street S.Perovskoy, 21a. In 1983, the theater said the half-century anniversary.

Since 1992, the chief director of the Honored Artist of Russia becomes T.A.Volynkina. In 2006 she was awarded the title – People’s Artist of Russia. Today, the troupe works 67 people, including 15 actors. The repertoire of 48 plays. Each year, the theater performs setting 3 – 4 new productions.
Three actor has the honorary title – Honored Artist of Russia (E.A.Korotaeva, A.P.Gusev and V.V.Pyankov).

Murmansk Puppet Theatre participates in international theater festivals. Over the past 6 years the theater participated in 15 festivals outside of the Murmansk region. The theater organizes the tour, in the Murmansk region and in other regions of Russia. In 2003 and 2006 the theater went on tour in Northern Norway.

In 2013, the Murmansk Regional Puppet Theatre celebrated its 80 – year anniversary. On the 100th anniversary of the city letnemmu Theater will move to a new large building (the former House of Officers), which currently are en large construction works.



Address and phone numbers: Murmansk, ul. S. Perovskoy 21a
Phone: 45-81-78; 45-60-86; 45-60-86
Opening hours: Mon – Fri: 10:00 – ?? 19:00 Sat, Sun: 09:00 – 19:00

Map of Murmansk Regional Puppet Theater