It grows throughout the northern hemisphere, including Murmansk.
Ivan tea (Epilobium, Koporye tea) – the drink is very pleasant to the taste and color, has a powerful healing effect!
More in Russia to use the infusion of Ivan-tea as a beverage and medicine for various ailments. This homely-looking grass on therapeutic impact and health-improving properties, given the unique chemical content, surpasses even the sea cale.
Ivan-tea drank after sunset, you give your body a chance to prepare for rehabilitation, to soft soothing heartbeat, decreased blood and overall health normalization of pressure. This state of the night “suspended animation” – a real opportunity to extend or increase the active life periods of at least a quarter of its cycle on average. And it is certainly a lot.
An example of confirmation and reducing properties of Ivan-tea is the life of the researcher beginning of the twentieth century – Peter Alexandrovich Badmaeva. Most of his works of science devoted to the study of the mysteries of the healing power of this plant. The doctor lived a hundred and ten years, and at the age of one hundred years – has known the joy of fatherhood. And who knows how many years he could still enjoy life, if it’s not broke jail in Petrograd.
Europe very quickly appreciated the advantages of this tea its unique content. It is available in six and a half times more vitamin C than any lemon. Besides tannins are – up to 20 percent, a large number of flavonoids, pectins and mucus. Therefore, from Russia this product is exported to Europe huge parties.
When and how to collect the dried rose-bay?
Ivan the tea harvested in the flowering period, it is important to collect the grass at a time when brush flower still not fully blossomed. Flowering begins in late June and lasts until autumn. In August, at the lower branches of the willow-herb mature beans inside which is a nasty fluff. This fluff must not fall into the collection.
Collection is recommended in dry weather, it is not necessary to begin immediately after the rain. Not suitable for the collection of dusty, dirty, diseased, infected plants. Ivan-tea growing along busy roads, not for drug charges.
For the preparation of medicinal infusions and decoctions suitable aerial part of the plant, so while collecting his cut or break in two in the middle, sometimes closer to the ground.
Floral brush gently spread out on the floor with a thin layer (about 5 cm), and then wound into a roll and is crimped in order to separate the juice. Roll left for 8-10 hours in a room where the air temperature is 20-25 degrees.
Medicinal properties
About the medicinal properties of fireweed melkotsvetkovogo and its application in urology, in particular in prostate disease, first reported the Austrian herbalist Maria Treben in 1983. She claimed that the infusion of fireweed melkotsvetkovogo – radical remedy for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate of any severity, as well as very effective for prostate adenoma.
In folk medicine the plant is used in gonorrhea, syphilis, leaves and flowering aerial parts – a wound-healing agent, with otitis, angina, gastric ulcers, migraines, and as a sedative. A decoction of the leaves herbalists prescribed with scrofula, stomach disorders and as a sleep aid. Healers have used willow-herb in the treatment of epilepsy, alcoholic psychoses, anemia as an emollient and diaphoretic for colds, as well as in the treatment of various types of malignant tumors.
It calming effect on the central nervous system. According to its sedative properties, it is slightly inferior to valerian drug, but it has other properties that have no valerian. Ivan-tea is able to change the conditioned reflex activity of man, and is therefore very effective in the treatment of neuroses. Along with these concoctions fireweed narrow-leaved enhance the effect of sedatives, hypnotics and narcotic drugs have anticonvulsant effect. The mechanism of action is similar to willow-herb with potent drugs like chlorpromazine. We have chlorpromazine among the negative properties of the unpleasant for the patient’s ability to relax the skeletal muscles, which makes the movement of patients receiving chlorpromazine, a difficult task. Preparations same willow-herb almost do not have a similar effect. Ivan-tea has a positive effect on the heart, thanks to being in plant material hyperoside. It is mood modulator, reduces aggression, stress protector, mild sedatives. fireweed leaf helps the doctor to make the patient more sociable, contact, less tense. Phytomedication of fireweed narrow-leaved have a beneficial effect for insomnia, headaches.
The leaves and flowers of the plant have, in addition to a sedative, anti-inflammatory, healing wounds and mucous membranes enveloping effect. It is believed that these properties are due to the presence in the plant a large amount of tannins and mucus. Therefore folk herbalists and modern herbalists use willow-herb in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with a tendency to diarrhea. Preparations fireweed narrow-leaved in the form of infusion used to treat various types of eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin diseases, especially if they are accompanied by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and neurotic manifestations.
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