January 4 is a date when installing of ice sculptures will be started in all districts of Murmansk. Different specialists was invited to Murmansk from Perm.
“It will be a composition of ice with backlight. “The kingdom of the Snow Queen” will appear on the Semenovo lake, Russian fairy tales characters will be installed on the street Vorovskogo, ice slide will be located near a Christmas tree on the Kola prospect.
Firstly sculptors process the ice blocks, then place the framework for the figures, and complete the creation of compositions by pouring dressing and sutures. All work must be performed at a temperature of from -3 to -10 degrees.
Sculptures will be equipped with LED strips and illuminated by colored spotlights. They will be protected to save the entire composition.
Initially, sculptors process the ice blocks, then place the framework for the figures, and complete the creation of compositions by pouring dressing and sutures. All work must be performed at a temperature of from -3 to -10 degrees.
Sculptures will be equipped with LED strips and illuminated by colored spotlights. To save the entire composition, they will be protected.
Northerners can see ready-ice art on 12 January.
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